

Bethel church of Christ is a non denominational church.  Bethel congregation identifies itself as a non institutional church of Christ.  The Bethel congregation believes in autonomous congregational leadership.

We are Christians. (Acts 11:26), (Romans 16:16)

We are simply Christians following the pattern set forth in New Testament teaching.  How we become Christians, how we live as Christians, what we teach, the way we work and how we are organized is dictated by the examples we find in the New Testament.  We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and follow it as the only authority in our beliefs.  We do not believe in human creeds or denominational teachings.  The Bible contains our authority.   (II Timothy 3:16-17)

What must I do to be a Christian?

We believe in the 5 steps into Christ.

1.  Hear the Word - (Romans 10:17)

2.  Believe the Word - (Hebrews 11:6) (John 3:16)

3.  Repent of Sins - (Luke 13:3) (Acts 17:30)

4.  Confess Jesus - (Romans 10:10) (Matthew 16:16)

5.  Be Baptized - (Mark 16:16) (Acts 2:38)

We believe in the following:

1.  We believe the Church to be autonomous - (Colossians 1:18),  (Acts 14:23)

2.  We believe in self examination - (II Corinthians 13:5), (I Timothy 4:16), (Acts 17:11)

3.  We believe in the command of prayer - (I Thessalonians 5:17), (Acts 2:42), (Acts 12:5,12)

4.  We believe in congregational acapella singing -(Ephesians 5:19), (Colossians 3:16)

5.  We believe in evangelism - (Mark 16:15-16), (Matthew 18:18-20), (II Corinthians 5:18-20), (Acts 8:4)

6.  We believe in baptism by immersion - (Acts 8:36-39), (Romans 6:3-4), (Colossians 2:12)

7.  We believe in the Lords Supper and weekly observance of it - (Acts 20:7), (Matthew 26:26-29), (Mark 14:22-25), (Luke 22:17-20), (I Corinthians 11:23-26)

8.  We believe in a weekly offering/giving - (I Corinthians 9:7). (I Corinthians 16:1-2)

9.  We believe in living a faithful life - (Rev. 2:10)

10.  We believe in being a good neighbor - (Luke 10:30-37), (Galatians 6:10), (James 1:27), (Matthew 19:19), (Mark 12:30-31), (James 2:8-9)